Inherited from a yoga teacher, this wonderfully aromatic recipe comes to us from her Yoga Master in India.
Despite the complex flavors and traditional spice preparation, it’s surprisingly easy to make! It’s not only light on labor, but also keeps well for the week. On several occasions I’ve made a large vat and enjoyed leftovers for nearly a whole week. Every day was just as delicious as the last.
For the best results use whole spices freshly crushed before making this dish. Using freshly ground spices not only allows for a more vibrant and flavorful dish, but will ensure that the precious nutrients in the spices remain potent and infuse your food with those benefits. Pre-ground spices are convenient, but they have a short shelf life and may not be as beneficial.
With the cardamom pods, crack the shells with the side of a knife, peel open the shells and pop out the seeds inside. Discard shells, grind the pods.
If you simply don’t have the time or resources to buy whole spices, don’t let that stop you from making this wonderful dish. Go right ahead and use ground spices.
Serve this anti-oxidant rich stew over cardamom infused Jasmine rice with tamarind chutney, and if you have the time, alongside my crisp Turmeric Indian Slaw!
If you’d like to add chicken to the stew, it’s an easy modification. Just follow my recipe!