A client recently shared with me:
Even if she’s eating healthy foods, but she feels satisfied after eating, the feeling of satisfaction makes her feel guilty. This then translates into feelings of failure, because she feels that without deprivation she’s not actively working towards her goal of good health and weight loss. These thoughts and feelings send her down a spiral of apathy and hopelessness, which lead her to indulging in sabotaging behavior.
Sound familiar?
If you can relate to this trajectory, try UNPACKING YOUR FEELINGS
- In your mind, why does being satisfied by food necessarily equal poor diet, weight gain or ill health?
- As a young child when did you lack, or enjoy, satisfaction?
- What’s found down at the bottom of your hill (the place you’ll end up if you sabotage)? Stasis? more weight? less energy? not being able to fulfill responsibilities?
- When your projected failure leads you to decide it no longer matters, what does that give you permission to do?
- Anything else that comes up for you!
Humans resist change. It’s a fact. Transitions are uncomfortable. They feel ‘yucky’. You’re neither here nor there, exposed to the unknown, and without the new horizon quite in sight – like purgatory. Purgatory sucks!
No wonder humans will sabotage to avoid switching tracks – after all, what’s to say that the track to the left or the right is going to be any better. There’s no guarantee and the road back to the old is often shorter than to the new. This is why support can be so helpful.
From experience, a coach, a therapist or mentor, has seen and can guarantee that there is a better outcome at the end of the new track. So here’s to keeping you on track! Find support, may it be a friend or a professional.
Next time you feel frazzled around food, take 5 minutes to experiment with how the following exercise makes you feel. This “One Command” meditation has a remarkably calming effect on the mind and nervous system.
Sit comfortably in a chair, with your feet on the ground, place your hands on your thighs and close your eyes. Feel into the circuit of energy running through your palms, the soles of your feet and the crown of your head. Feel the energy buzzing at the base of your feet, rooting deep into the earth. Picture it running through the cool, rich soil, past precious minerals, crystals, metals and into the fiery heat of the core of the earth. Then running back up through your body, with your eyes closed, roll your eyes to the back of your head (this activates your Theta brain wave and allows you to access your subconscious mind). This may feel uncomfortable but keep it up while you follow the energy traveling out of the crown of your head, up through the blue sky, past the moon and stars, into the rich black of the galaxies, and beyond, until you reach a vast open space – complete stillness.
Once you’ve reached that place, one by one, hand over all your worries to the divine, release and know that they will be handled by a higher power. Consider this God or simply know that your subconscious mind will conspire to take the right actions to fulfill your needs.
Do this using Asara Lovejoy’s “One Command” script: “I don’t know how, I create a healthy relationship with food (insert any command), I only know I do now and I am absolutely fulfilled.”
Now travel back down, bring down the light and power of the universe through the crown of your head. Relax your eyes. Next imagine an unwinding of any negative thoughts. Like your body is a screw… the thoughts whirling around you, down, down, through your feet into the rich soil and down into the core of the earth. Once the charge has been released, wind yourself back up with a whirlwind of love and positive healing energy.
Remember that you are always connected in this way.